Welcoming Wonderment NYE 2019
Sat, 28th Dec 2019 to Wed, 8th Jan 2020
8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Wherrol Flat NSW, Australia
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You've been invited to Welcoming Wonderment NYE gathering at Vikasa. This is a gathering of Bhima the Dragons Flaura, Fauna and Arts Association (BDFFAA) members.
You are welcome to invite your wizard and virtuoso friends that would like to join BDFFAA and attend.
?E V E N T // D E T A I L S?
Tucked away in a valley on the east coast of Australia in the land of the Epiphytes and Sclerophylls is Bhima’s covert forest called Vikasa. Vikasa means to flourish, growth and radiant.
A Vikasarite is a wizard, a warlord, a fairy or a unicorn, they could be a sorcerer or a genius, perhaps they are an expert or a master, maybe they are a virtuoso or an artist. One thing is for sure they are all creators and they are all very much needed at Vikasa. They gather on the land of Vikasa to stir the cauldron, cast the spells, play the tunes, to dream and envisage a magical future.
NYE Gathering is from the 28th to the 1st of January. Membership essential. Membership for this event is $75 and can be paid for here...
Inbetween Gathering Starts on the 2nd of January and runs through to the 8th of January. A suggested cash donation of $60 can be made on site for Inbetween Festival however if youre there for NYE we are suggesting a donation of $30 would be appreciated.
Further information will evolve as we get closer to the date.
✅H O U S E // K E E P I N G ✅
➕Don't drop anything on the ground.
➕RESPECT the land, each other, and everything around you
➕ Strictly LEAVE NO TRACE event. This is EVERYONE’S responsibility! Pack wisely. There is no cleaning crew so please help and keep the land beautiful
➕BYO food and water
➕Children welcome if supervised by an adult at all times
➕This is a no glitter event - including biodegradable
➕No pets
➕ALWAYS ask Consent
➕Look out for your mates
➕Drink water + eat well = Dance longer
➕Organisers have the right to ask anyone to leave. This includes anyone who is not a member or breaches conditions listed here.
➕NO FIRES. If you see a fire. Put it out.
? T H E // P R I N C I P L E S ?
We operate under these simple but effective ‘Burning Man’ principles
? G I F T I N G ?
➕Gifting is a fundamental part of the ‘Burning Man’ culture and creates strong community values through sharing and giving. ‘The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value. Gifting is a way to participate and is a core part of every Burn’ - Burning Seed.
➕Gifting does not necessarily mean a physical item, it could be a good conversation, helping set up someone's tent or simply just a hug. You are the gift so get creative, bust out and connect with legends you haven't met yet.
?V O L U N T E E R S ?
Do you have skills and would like to contribute to the event? Either be music, performance, art, workshop, set up/pack down, safety/first aid or moop, etc. We would love to hear from you. Please fill in this form and we will get back to you. Thank you.
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*Late fees may apply
Sat, 28th Dec 2019
8:00 am (AEDT)
Wed, 8th Jan 2020
6:00 pm (AEDT)
Happened about 5 years ago
Wherrol Flat NSW, Australia
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*Excluding booking fees. Late fees may apply